Friday, December 10, 2010

The Lottery

If you would ask a kid to talk about there friend they would sat that it was dead or in jell because of not going to college and selling drugs.One day they did a lottery to see which kid was going to go to school and wen they pict there son the mom or dad woulde be so happy that there kid  won bet the people that  dirent get  to go to school they got disappointed and the little kids cried.There are some schools that are protecting teachers that are really good at teaching bet there protecting the teachers that are not so post to be working there because there are not good at teaching they doan't teach really good.A led was sayeng that when she was teaching 5th grade her students cu dent even read like 2graders and i think that that's not bad i think that that's  really bad.Another lady said that last year there was 10 teachers removed.Some kid's doant have a mom or a dad because they are in jell so they have to go in to that scary place to see there parent's in there just because they were selling drugs.One day they did a lottery to see which children gos to school this year when they pic kt a children kids would start cryng.I doant think it's fear to do a lottery to pick a children if they can go to school because the family's get really disappointed.

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