Friday, October 14, 2011

Darfure is dieng (diffrent movie)

          What i learned by paleyng the game Darfur is Dieing is this.I learned that people get killed a lot and that if they trap you getting water They take you with them and Kalle you or if you are a girl the rape you or abuse you.
         No i do not think that the characters have enihing different because they are all suffering the same suffer.I think that the pearson that made that game diret like that with alot of carachters so you could see that i lot of people have to go get water and they get killed well not all ove them.

         I think that they madde the game aboute going to there houses because it was informative so you coulde see what you have to do.A nothere is so you coulde see how much watere they need.e
        I think that they put that you coulde send a messege to the president or puted on facebook because they whant to spred the world and becasue they whant the presedent to know what is happening.
         The game helped me understand the game because it showes you how dengres it is to go get water because you can get killed.The other one is because youi coule see that wen you go get water every body is counting on you because every one and every thing needs water to survive.

1 comment:

  1. you have lots of errors in your post and you didn't put the name of the game but I like the background and how you explained the way you thought the game helped you.I still like your background and your post.
