Monday, August 22, 2011


Now I know a little more about cyberbuling and iam going to tell you wat I know.I know that cyberbulling can really hert people and if you are the  one that is bulling you doant even know that you are hearting someone because you cant see them bet through that computer somebody is really getting hert.I know that cyberbulling can cause people to think of  killing them self's some parents find out on time but sadly others aren't  on time are way to laight so kids do kill them self's and that is very sad especially because they had a hole life in front of theme and so they just waisted there life because they well not be able to injoy yet so that is not fare for that pearson and the bullies won't feal berry good of them self's and if they are proud of them self that means that they really doant have a hart.If you are getting cyberbullied you can tell a groan up and they well know wat to do but doant text them bad things back because they well just know that they are hearting you so they well not stop so never text them back just tell a groan up and so they well tell some other grown up that can block them.I have never been bullied,i do not know if some won is being building iam told ally not a bullied.The movie was about this girl named Tailor that has dis two best friends but a friend traded her so she bullied Tailor and she tried to kill her self but she direntt so she went to this clinic for victims of bulling and she got a lot better so she went back to school and stud up for all of the victims of bulling that was the end.I think i could stop that if peple  just knew that it is not worthet to kill yourself  just because peole are telling you bad stuff and making fun of you that way they would stop killing them selfs because I doant think that it is worthet it just isn't or at list that is wat i think.

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