Monday, October 25, 2010


Today we finished the movie paper clips i liked this move because its a about  people collecting paper clips for the people that died like gains,lesbians.They collected more than 1,000 paper can you belie vet that's  a lot of paper clips.I would do the same thing.What i would like to learn this week about my game is how i can find more information.How i can find out more about the topic that i chased.How can i stop the animal abuse .That is what i want to learn.So far i have learned how to do research about are topic like for example i choose animal abuse so i go to google and rite wat i want to look for and in less than 10secons i get more than 15 things about animal abuse.Some athore thing that i learned to do is to evaluate are soars isn't that cool o and if you doant know what evaluate your sords is that means to See a page and See if it is safe i think that to learn to do this is rally cool weit what em i talking about its more than cool i doant know how to named bet what i do know is that is more than cool.Some other things that i would like to learn is how are we going to do are game and wen is the teacher going to tell us how is this going to work i mean like wen we are al done what are we going to do and isn't hard its because i have a tone of questions sorry can you ensewer please.Other things that we learned this week we learned that brain pop has a lot of information almost about everything like pollution,animal abuse,bulling can you blivet that is like so cool and you can take the quize and the games bet i dirent play the games because i dirent know if we were aloude.The part that i liked the most is when the teacher tolld us that we culd go to brain pop i almost screame because i was so exaided i think i was the first one to stande up that is all bai.

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